
With just one quick look, you can see all the important stats about your won-deals!

Simply choose which widgets you want to keep an eye on, like your goal, top-selling products, top sellers, and won-deals.

To learn all about the dashboard, keep on reading!

Wins summary

Shoot for the stars; aim for the moon.

Get a quick and comprehensive overview of your sales progress with the summary widget. It showcases the total value of deals won, the number of deals closed, and the progress toward your goals in your selected timeframe. Stay motivated and track your success with ease.

To set your monthly goal head over to Settings/General 

Won deals

Would you like to know which deals contributed to your revenue growth?
The simplified won deals table provides a detailed list of all the deals won during the selected timeframe.

You can get the detailed report by clicking the table icon in the top right corner of the widget. Click the “Action” button to export a won deals report to CSV or Excel. 

The top-selling products widget

When you mark a deal as Won, Crmble tracks the quantity and value of the products sold in that deal. With the new Top Selling Products widgets, you can see a ranking of the best-selling products. You can even switch the ranking between quantity and value by clicking the button provided.
Ranking of the top-selling products by quantity or product value

Top-sellers widget

To monitor the deals that various members of your board are handling, whether they are losing or winning, simply add members to deals using Trello’s “Members” button located in the right-hand column of buttons at the back of the cards or use the “Change members” option by hovering over a card and clicking the pencil icon. Whenever you mark a deal assigned to a member as WON, Crmble keeps track of it, and the all-new Top Seller widget displays a ranking of the top sellers by deal value or the number of won deals using the dropdown button provided.
Ranking of the top three sellers

Choose your widgets

The dashboard provides you with a clear view of your board’s progress in terms of WON deals and revenue. You can easily declutter your Dashboard by turning off the unnecessary widgets. Furthermore, any modifications you make to the dashboard widget configuration can be saved by selecting the “save view” option that appears each time you make a change


Easily compare your sales progress with our widget! It breaks down your selected period into smaller intervals, showing a daily comparison of the current period with the previous period for weekly or monthly intervals, and a monthly comparison for quarterly or yearly intervals.

Use the drop-down button to switch and compare your growth by the number of leads or revenue.