
A new way to organize your contacts in Crmble

Crmble offers a contact-centric approach, ensuring you stay connected with people effectively. Often, you’ll have multiple contacts within the same company. The company section simplifies organizing these contacts and allows you to easily track the number of deals with each company.

Create new companies

When creating a new contact,  entering the company name in the company field, will show you a list of similar company names that are already in your database. If there are no matching companies, you can create a new one that will be added to your companies database.

Selecting on the existing companies will link the new contact to that company.

Manage contacts by company

Contacts can be linked to or unlinked from a company using the link button in the contacts section view.

Check deals stats by company at a glance

In the contacts section you can now check the number of deals, won or lost by company. If you have several deals with different contacts that belong to the same company, here you can see the stats company wise.

Companies logos

To add a logo to a company just fill out the Website field address and its corresponding logo will be automatically added to the company.

Import companies

You can import companies from an external CSV or Excel file. If your file includes the Website URL, map it to the Website field and companies will show their logo automatically.

Automatic company-contact linking

Please note that when importing deals, contacts, or companies into a Crmble installation with an existing company database, linking will only occur if the "Company" field of the imported data exactly matches the name of an existing company, including spaces and capitalization. If there is any difference, a new company will be created.

Create deals by company

When creating a deal by adding a Trello card to a list on your board, you can choose to select an existing contact. Crmble allows you to pick either contacts or companies. By creating deals based on a company, you can link all associated contacts to the deal in one step, or you can selectively choose multiple contacts. This new feature makes creating deals that include all contacts of a company effortless.