Add products and services to your deals

If you have ever wished to add products or services to your deals in Crmble, this update is just for you. In a nutshell, our all-new products feature makes a new tab available on your card where you can add a list of products or services to your deals.

You can create or import your products/services database from an external file to have them all at hand when needed. When you add a product to a deal, you can specify the amount, change its default price, and set the units you want to add. You can even apply discounts or taxes, Crmble will sum up everything for you and keep the deal value updated.

Let’s see how it all works in detail.

How to add products or services to your deals

Before adding products to your opportunities, you will need to create some first. Let’s explore the two available options.

Creating products one by one

Open Crmble and head to the new “Products” section in the main menu. Once there, click on the “create a new product” button to add a product or service to your database.

A modal window will pop up to enter the details of your new product or service.
Name, Code, Price, and Tax.

Importing multiple products

If you already have a product database, you can easily import them into Crmble. To do so open Crmble and head to the products section. Click on the “Action” button in the Product section and click on import. Then map the fields of your source file with Crmble’s product fields. To do so, click on each product field to choose your matching source data. Once you are done with mapping click on import. That simple!

Adding products to your deals

The products database is available on a Crmble Team level. When you add products to a deal, you can let Crmble do the math and generate the deal value. If you prefer to specify a different deal value to the sum of products linked, just type it in the deal value. If you change your mind and want to use the product sum, when you add more products to the deal, Crmble will ask you to update the value automatically.

Feel free to export your products or update them, any product added to a deal won’t change as well as any specific update you make to its price, tax or discount.

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