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Say hello to Calendar!

Keep track of all your important events in one place

Crmble Calendar displays all your important events like birthdays, Trello due dates or any custom dates in a daily, weekly or monthly view with filter options to never lose sight of them.

Create custom events

Head over to Settings/Crmble fields.

Crmble fields settings menu

Add a new “Date” field. Let’s call it “Appointment” for example.

Check the “View in calendar” option and choose a color.

Crmble Fields add new date

Your newly created date field will be available in your cards. Fill out date and time details or check the “All day event” check-box for all day events.

Crmble date field details

Head over to Crmble/Calendar. Pick your view of choice and keep track of all your lead events at a glance. Click on any event to get detailed information of the lead it belongs to such as members and labels, plus a link to its corresponding card.

Crmble Calendar event details

Customize your calendar view

Hide or show weekends or start your week on Sunday. Crmble will remember your view settings of choice.

Crmble calendar view date field

Filter by member, label or event

Sometimes you might have too many events at the same time cluttering your Calendar view and making it difficult to read. No problem,  just click on any of the available filters to view the events you’re most interested in. There are multiple filtering options!

In the header section you can filter by labels and members.

Crmble calendar filter by member or label

At the bottom of the calendar, you can filter the different date fields available in the calendar view. These are clickable so you can easily toggle their visibility.

Crmble calendar filter by dates

This is just the beginning as we have many other nice features in the pipe to make Crmble’s calendar even better. If you have any questions, you can contact us using the chat bubble at the lower right corner directly here at or opening the Crmble Power-Up in any board where you’ve installed it. We’d love to hear your thoughts, comments and suggestions.

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